[Meeting of Directors held at 16 Harrington Street Liverpool on Thursday 1st August 1929] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. W. J. Sawyer. with regrets Assistant Trainer The Chairman reported that owing to the sudden death of Mr. B. Smith & that he had instructed the Secy. to advertise for a Successor. 122 Applications were received & these were gone through & it was decided to invite the following to attend the next meeting to be interviewed viz. J. Percy, C. Morris, A. J. Tucker & W. Godfrey. Trainer & Coach 80 Applications were received for A. Team this post & it was decided to invite the following to attend next meeting for an interview viz W. Baxendale, E. Pinkney, L. Evans & R. Bushell. Players Secy. stated that all players had reported & commenced training today except A. Troup who had reported unfit. He had been examined by our doctor who had reported that he was suffering from rupture. It was decided to ask the doctor to make arrangements for him to be operated on it once. J. O'Donnell This player having asked for an advance of £50 on account of his benefit, it was agreed to apply to the League for permission to pay same. Black It was decided that the Chairman (Plymouth) or Vice Chairman & Secy. proceed to Plymouth