[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel L'pool on Tuesday 11th June 1929] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on the 14th & 28th ult. & Annual General Meeting held on the 28th ult. were read & confirmed. Election of Chairman The Chairman (Mr. W. C. Cuff) & Vice Chairman & Vice Chairman} (Mr. E. Green) were unanimously re elected. Both gentlemen returned thanks for the honour. Sub Committee The 3 sub Committee were re elected. Fixtures The Fixtures for next Season were submitted by the Secy. were approved. League & F. A. Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave a report of the Meetings business conducted at these meetings in London. Wilkinson (N'cle) The engagement of this player at a fee of £675 & Wages of £6 & £7 per week with £10 signing on bonus was confirmed. Jones E. The Action of Chairman & Secy. in agreeing to transfer this player to Southend United F. C. at a fee of £500 to be paid as follows. £250 at once & balance at end of October next was also confirmed. Meston S. Secy. reported that W. Ham United F. C. had been in negotiation for this players transfer. Decided to leave matter in hands of Chairman to endeavour to obtain £500 & failing that £350. Programmes The Sole right of selling programmes & literature on the ground was re let to Mr. E. A. Morton for 3 years to May 1932 at a rental of £100 per annum.