[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at the Law Association Rooms Cook St. Liverpool on Tuesday 28th May 1929] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair) E. Green, H. Banks, A. Coffey, Dr. C. S. Baxter, W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade & 82 Shareholders. The Secretary read the notice convening the Meeting. Press It was agreed that the members of the press be admitted. Accounts & On the motion of the Chairman , it Balance Sheet was decided that the Accounts & Balance Sheet be taken as read. Auditors Report The Secretary read the Auditors Report. Directors Report The Chairman in making his report on the Balance Sheet stated that although the gate receipts were down by £8000, we had made a net profit of £9406 after deducting the costs of the Banquets & Historical Souvenirs £1406. Wages & Transfer Fees were considerably less and other items about as usual. With regard to the playing record the Season had been a poor one which he attributed mainly to injuries & sickness of players & temporary loss of form of certain other players. He was looking forward to a much more successful time next Season. Dividend On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr. W. J. Sawyer, the Accounts Balance Sheet & Report were unanimously