No 1 for £150 and of the work specified in his provisional estimate No 2 for £79 was accepted. L'pool Senior Cup It was agreed with Tranmere Rovers FC to replay this semifinal on Monday 13th inst. K.O. at 5.45 pm. L'pool Schools FA &) Letters read from these Assocns. Decided L'pool Assocn. of Schoolmasters) that in view of the highly controversial Selection between the two bodies, the use of the ground be not granted for Schools football until the position was cleared up. Retained & The list of present players engaged was gone Transfer Lists through and it was decided to offer terms as set out to the following:- Coggins £6 & £8, Sagar £6 & 7, Parker 50/- & £3, Common £5 & £6 & £1 extra in 1st team, Williams £6 & £8, Cresswell £6 & £8, Lowe £4 & £5 & £1 extra, Bryan £4 & £4, Gee £6 & £8, Hart £6 & £6, Griffiths £6 & £8, Chedgzoy £3 & £3, Thomson £6 & £8, Lloyd 30/- & 30/-, Britton £6 & £7 & £1 extra, McClure £6 & £6 & £1 extra, White £6 & £7 & £1 extra, Webster £4 & £4, Dunn £6 & £8, Stein £6 & £8, Cunliffe £50/- & £3, Rigby £6 & £8, Leyfield £3 & £3, Critchley £6 & £8, Johnson £6 & £8, and Dean £6 & £8. The case of Martin was left over & the following placed on transfer Cook, Macpherson, Towers & Wilkinson. Continental Tour The Contract for the proposed Tour is Scandinavia was presented & approved. Wales v Ireland Letter read from Welsh FA asking if we would release Williams & Griffiths to play in this match on the 22nd inst, (if selected). Agreed to do so. Dean's Benefit Secy reported that this had been granted by League. Decided that he be paid £150 at once & a sum of £500 to be invested on his behalf at his own suggestion