Bennett (Chester)	Mr J Fare gave a favorable report of this player
		stating he was much too good for the class he
		was in at present.

Purcell (Winsford)	Mr H Hart gave a poor report of this I.L.

Gandy & Coutliff	Mr J McGill gave good reports of these
(St Benedicts)	two players.

Webster) Hereford	Mr J Elliott gave a good report of the
Oliver) Town	former & a poor one of the latter.

Dougal & Watson		Letter read from Mr J Kerr strongly
(Hamilton)	recommending these two half backs.

Kearney Benefit Fund	Decided to rescind minute of 3rd ult and
		to grant a donation of £10.10.0 to this fund.

Draining & Turfing	The Sub Committee having examined the
Goodison Park	tenders (list attached) for this work & submitted
		those received from:-
		(a) Wm Rowlands & Co. (amended) (L'pool)  £1397
		(b) J & D Provan 	(Glasgow) 	  £1050
		(c) Mr M Hart 		  (do) 		  £1050
		(d) J R Stutt		(Paisley)	  £1250
		 They also read the references referred to in
		the respective tenders and recommended that
		the tender of Messrs Wm. Rowlands & Co. be accepted.
		It was unanimously resolved that the Committees
		recommendation be adopted, and the Secretary was
		authorised to sign the printed form of Contract
		on behalf of the Company and to exchange same
		with a similar form of contract to be executed by
		Messrs Wm Rowlands & Co.

Installation of		The Tender of the L'pool Corporation for cutting
Increased Water Supply   off old supplies and to install a 3" connection
		to the 15" main in Goodison Rd. and supply one 2"
		meter at a cost not exceeding £45 was accepted.
			The tender of Mr R W Haughton to supply & fix 4"
		piping & other work as specified in his estimate