Team Selections The following teams were selected :-
v Oldham Ath (a) 11th inst.
Coggins, Williams, Cresswell, McClure, Gee, Thomson,
Critchley, Martin, Dean, Johnson & Stein Res Dunn
v Bolton Res (h)
Sagar, Parker, Lowe, Britton, Griffiths, Macpherson,
Wilkinson, Webster, White, Rigby, Leyfield Res Towers
v Rhyl. & Upton Ath
left to Staff.
Reports re Players Mr E Green reported that this player was on
Goodward (Watford) the slow side & he was not impressed.
Wells (Northampton) He gave a good account of this O.L.
Kingham & Clarke He also reported that the former was worth
(Luton) seeing again & that the latter was a good player,
somewhat on the slow side & worth considering.
Worrall (Oldham) Messrs A Coffey, A R Wade & C Hayes reported that
Waterfield (Burnley) the two former had played poorly, but that
Jones (do) the latter had played well & was very promising.
The Chairman reported that he had met
the Chairman & a Director of the Burnley F.C and
had made a tentative offer of £4000 for the transfer
of Waterfield subject to confirmation by both Boards.
Owing to his poor display on Sat last, this was not
confirmed but it was decided that the Chairman
& Mr J Sharp see him again on Sat next & if satisfied
with his display to have full powers to negotiate
for his transfer.
Wigan Boro v Messrs W. C. Gibbins & Secy reported that none of
Rotherham United the players in this match were good enough for us.
Savage, March The Secy reported that in his opinion these
Lax (Lincoln City) players were all good especially the former
who was a good size.
Blair (Clyde) Secy reported that the fee asked for by
the Clyde FC was £6500.