			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Station Hotel L'pool
			on Tuesday 14th May 1929]

		Present	Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 30th
		ult. Ground Committee Meeting on the 3 & 7th inst.
		& Finance Committee on the 3rd inst. were read
		& confirmed.

Accounts		The Secretary presented the accounts for
		the year ending 4th inst, and after Mr. H. Bowler
		(for the Auditors) had given explanations of the
		various items, it was resolved
	    (1)  That the amount due from Sundry Debtors
		be valued, for the purpose of the Balance Sheet,
		at £1610.13.1.

	    (2)  That a depreciation of 10% be written of all
		Stands, Hoardings & Erections, amounting to

	    (3)  That the amount expended on Clothing, Material
		& Stores £332.11.10 be written off Income & Expenditure a/c

	    (4)  That the cost of Championship & Jubilee Banquets
		& Historical Souvenirs amounting to £1406.6.7
		be debited to Income & Expenditure a/c.

	    (5)  That the Statement of a/cs, Profit & Loss a/c
		& Balance Sheet be approved

	    (6)  That a Dividend of 7½% (less Income Tax) on
		paid up Capital be recommended.

Annual Meeting		It was proposed & carried that the Annual
		Meeting be held in the Law Association Rooms
		Cook St on Tuesday  28th May 1929 at 7.30pm.
			It was decided that the Auditors of the Coy
	    (1)	 Take control of admission to the Annual Meeting