St Pauls Eye Hospl. An application from the Old Patients Assocn for a donation towards the New Wing Fund was not entertained, as we already contribute to the Hospital funds annually. New Brighton & Application from these Clubs for assistance Walsall FCs financially were not entertained. Lost Share Certificate It was agreed to now issue a new Certificate to Shareholder W. R. Spencer provided he gave us an Indemnity. Benefit Match) It was decided to travel from London at Southend) to Southend on day of match viz Apl 27th. Dean's Benefit It was agreed to make application to the League for permission to pay W R Dean a benefit of £650. Exeter City FC Application from the Club for us to play a match for W. McDevitt's benefit was not entertained. Natl Playing Field) Secy. reported the collection amounted to Assocn) £6.16.1. Decided to send this amount direct to London headquarters & not to earmark any portion for L'pool Boys Assocn. Haig Pit Disaster The letter from Mr W Page relative to our playing match in aid of this Fund was allowed to lie on the table. Players to Watch The Directors visiting Scotland v England match to watch McNab (Dundee) with power to negotiate for his transfer. H Hart to watch Kingham & Clark (Luton) J Fare do Archer (Walsall) J Elliott do Purcell (Winsford) Secy to arrange for remainder of Staff. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W C Cuff Chairman