Gordon Institute Application for a donation was left over until after practice matches next Season. Graham (Notts F.) Letter read stating that club were not prepared to part with this player at present. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved A. S. Derome to J. S. Derome 3 Shares Nos. 1458-1460. Walsall FC Letter read asking if we would assist this club. Decided to ask to what extend they required assistance. Linfield FC Application from this Club for a match in Belfast in April was not entertained. Southend United FC Application from this club for us to play a benefit match on their ground on Monday 27th Apl. if we were certain of promotion. Decided to do so provided they paid our out of pocket expenses. Wadsworth (Burnley) Secy. reported that fee asked for this full back was £1000. Agreed no further action to be taken. Waterfield (Burnley) Secy. instructed to ask this club to fix a fee for this player. Arrangements re) Letter read from Mr. E. Edwards of the local press F.A Cup Semifinal) complementing the Club on the excellent arrangements made re travelling & hotel on Sat last. Decided to write thanking that gentleman for his Kind appreciation. Players to Watch Messrs The Chairman & Mr E Green to watch McNab (Dundee) " A Coffey & J Sharp to watch Worrall & Porter (Oldham) " C Hayes & Secy do Burnley v Port Vale " W J Wallace do Lawrence (Swansea) " J Fare do Wright (Torquay) " H Hart do Archer (Walsall) Secy to arrange for remainder of Staff. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman