Reports Players Mr J Cumming gave a fairly good report Wright (Torquay) of this full back Bicknell & Barkass Mr J Fare gave a fairly good report of the (Bradford City) former, but a poor one of the latter. Bocking (Stockport) Mr J McGill gave a good report of this back. Helliwell (do) Mr H Hart gave a poor report of this player. Ashman (M'bro.) Mr W Laine gave a moderate report of this back. Continental Tour Letter read from Stockholm Tidingan offering £250 a match for 2 matches in Stockholm, 1 in Gothenburg, 1 in Helsingfors & 1 in Malmo or Copenhagen plus travelling & hotel expenses. Secy instructed to ask if Exs & hotels would be 1st class. Blyth Spartans FC Letter read from Club asking if we were prepared to take Akers. Decided to ask them how many matches he had played. Dix Commission This was now fixed to be held at Easton Hotel on Monday 23rd inst at 10.30 am. Agreed that Messrs The Chairman, C Hayes, W J Wallace & Secy attend to represent the club. L'pool Schools FA Letter read asking for use of ground on two evening. Secy. instructed to ask what class of matches were to be played. Rhyl FC Letter read from this club asking if we would assist them re Expenses re match abandoned on 28th ult. Agreed to pay them the full amount of £4.10.0. L'pool Boys Assocn. An application from this Assocn. to earmark a portion of the collection for the National Playing Fields Assocn towards their funds was left over until next week. Reading FC Letter read from this club complaining of the conduct of our spectators towards their players. Decided to reply regretting same.