L'pool Season Cup It was decided to agree to Tranmere Rovers FC suggestion to Kick off on the 19th inst. at 5.15 pm. Ground It was agreed to advertise for Tenders for re draining & re turfing the ground, The plan specification & form of contract now being ready. Continental Tour Letter read from Zurich F.C., Prague F.C., Copenhagen F.C. & Swedish Clubs re proposed Tours. It was agreed to ask the Zurich F.C. if they would be prepared to guarantee £300 per match for a series of 4 matches. Scottish F.A. Letter read from this Assocn. asking if we would release Thomson, Dunn & Stein to go on a continental Tour with them in May. Decided not to accede to the request. F.A Cup Semifinal It was agreed that in the event of the match on Sat. next resulting in a draw. The replay to take place on Wed. 18th inst F.A Canadian Tour Secy. reported that the F.A. had selected Dean for this Tour subject to our consent. Agreed that the Chairman have an interview with him. Players on Transfer Lists read but no action taken. Players to Watch Mr. J. Cummings to watch Wright (Torquay) " J. Fare do Bradford City Backs " W. Laine do Freeman (M'bro) " H. Hart do Stockport Players Graham (Notts F) Secy. instructed to ask the Notts Forest club if they were prepared to consider the transfer of this player. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman pro Tem