4th prox. A. Dix (Bristol Rovers) Chairman reported that an enquiry was being held by the Football League into the circumstances re this players transfer & it was decided that himself along with Mr. C. Hayes & Secy. attend on behalf of our club at Easton Hotel, London on Tuesday next. St Lukes Church It was agreed to grant a sum of £25 towards cost of iron fencing in Goodison Place. Bovril Wagon The request of Bovril Ld. for permission to have a supply wagon on the practice ground on Sat. next was granted. Directors Box The tickets for the match v Southport were allotted. L'pool Senior Cup It was decided to play our semi-final v Tranmere Rovers on their ground on Thursday 19th March. Ground Stopgate Lane Owing to the old tram, used as a dressing room, having been badly damaged, it was decided to have it taken down. League Minutes The minutes with reference to the Dix. case & Collection on behalf of Natl. Playing Fields Assocn. were read. A meeting of the League was to be held on Friday March 6th in Manchester and it was decided that Mr. E. Green & Secy. represent the Club. C. L. match v Secy. reported that this match fixed for Oldham Ath. the 28th inst. had been postponed owing to Cup tie v Southport. Left to Secy. to fix another date. Anderson (Blyth The Blyth club were given freedom of action Spartans)re proposed transfer of this player. Match in Zurich Letter received from the Zurich F. C. asking us to play match there after close of season. Decided to ask what guarantee they were prepared to offer us.