Bp. Auckland v Ilford Mr. W. Laine gave good reports of Proud (C. F.) & Christie (C. H.) of Bp. Auckland. St. Luke's Church Application received from the Vicar for assistance towards the cost of erecting an iron fence. Secy. was instructed to get further particulars. McClure & Webster It was decided to increase the formers wages by £1 per match when playing in 1st team to include matches already played, and also increase the latters wage to £4 per week from date. F. A. Canadian Tour Decided to defer nomination of player for this Tour until later. J. Lloyd It was decided to offer this player an engagement at 1/10/- per week. Match at Macclesfield Letter read from Mr. A. H. Allan asking us to send a team to play a match in aid of the funds of the General Infirmary. Decided to do so near end of season. Secy. to fix a date. Players on Transfer Lists received from Leicester City, Millwall, Middlesbro., Sheffield Wed. & Peterborough & Fletton F. C.s but no action taken. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Davies (Bradford) " J. Fare do. Helliwell (Stockport) " L. Weller do. Talbot (Cannock) Secy. to arrange for remainder of Staff. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday nest 17th inst. at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman Team Selection v M/C City Res. (a) 14th inst. Sagar, Cook, Lowe, Britton, Griffiths, Towers, Wilkinson, Martin, White, Webster & Leyfield. Res. Common. W . C. C.