Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that this back had played Talbot (Cannock T.) fairly well under the wintry conditions & recommended he should be further watched. He also spoke favorably of O. R. (Cannock Town) & O. L. (Atherstone). Collins (Llanelly) Mr. J. Fare reported that the match was abandoned after 20 minutes, but during that time he showed a good turn of speed & centred well. He was however nearly 28 yrs. old. Oakes & Roberts Secy. again gave very good reports of these two (Port Vale) players. Decided to enquire lowest fees required for their transfers. Taylor (Windsor Ath.) Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of this goalkeeper who was 22, 5'-11' & 13st.10lbs. Decided to give him a trial in A Team. C. L. Match v Bolton Secy. reported that this match had been arranged to be replayed on Wed. 4th March & this was confirmed. Blundellsands F. C. Application from this club for a donation was deferred. Ground Secy. reported that Mr. Godseff had submitted a new drainage scheme & suggested that the present 6" drains should be taken up & re-laid at once. The Board did not approve of this & it was agreed that the Chairman confer with Mr. Godseff. Upton Ath. F. C. An application for our A team to play this club in a match for the benefit of the family of their late Treasurer was agreed to. Date to be arranged. Dix (Bristol Rovers) The Chairman's action in instructing Secy. to report the facts re the nonfulment of the agreement re transfer of this player by his club, to the F. League was confirmed. Blackpool F. C. The Chairman reported that this club were considering the question of the transfer of Macpherson.