re charge of approaching players. Natl. Institute for Letter read that the collection on the 17th inst. Blind had been a very poor one owing to lack of Collectors and asking for a farther one on March 7th. Decided to agree to their request. F. A. Canadian Tour Circular letter read from F. A. asking us to nominate a player for proposed Tour next Summer. Agreed to defer matter until later. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Talbot (Cannock Town) " J. Fare do. Collins (Llanelly) " W. Laine do. Callan (Eden Colliery) Secy. do. Roberts & Oakes (Port Vale) do. to arrange for Messrs McGill & Kelly to see others. State of Ground Mr. Godseff attended the meeting and suggested a scheme for present treatment of ground & produced a specification for drainage & returfing of centre portion. It was decided to adopt his suggestions & obtain tenders for the work which would have to be completed by end of May. Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next 3rd Feby. at 6pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman