v Stockport County Res. (h) 24th inst. Sagar, Cook, Lowe, Macpherson, Hart, Towers, Britton Webster, White, Rigby & Leyfield Res. Chedgzoy. Directors to Crystal Pal. All except Messrs H. Banks & A. R. Wade. do. to Stanley Messrs H. Banks, J. Sharp & C. Hayes. Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that this player had very Collins (Llanelly) good ball control & centred well. He was however, small & of poor phisique & he could not recommend him. Andrews (Durham) Mr. J. Fare reported that he did not consider this player up to standard required. Kelling (Torquay U.) Mr. Kendall gave a poor report of this inside left. Dagnall C. F. & Richardson L. H. Mr. J. McGill reported very favorably of Chorley these two players. Staffordshire Players Mr. L. Weller stated that he could not recommend any of the players he had see on at Stone. Royle (Helsby) Mr. T. Kelly stated that he did not consider this half back good enough for us. Report re Ground The Chairman gave a report of his inspection of the ground with Mr. Godseff & a further report was received from Kent & Brydon Ld. Decided that we obtain Mr. Godseff's advice on manner of treatment required at present & carry out his instructions. F. A. & F. L. Minutes The Minutes relating to International Matches & Collections for Playing Fields Associations were read. Brickfield Ath. F. C. It was agreed to grant a donation of £25 to the Funds of this club in recognition of the treatment they had given us re Leyfield. Wringing Machine Decided to purchased another one at £2.2.6. Use of Ground Application received from L'pool Provincial League. It was decided that owing to the state of our playing pitch no applications for the use of the ground for any matches other than our