move this season at any rate. Match v Port Vale Secy. reported that this match fixed for 24th inst. had been postponed on account of F. A. Cup Tie on that date. Decided to agree to Port Vale F. C.'s suggestion to play same on Monday 26th inst., provided both Cup Ties were completed. Players on Transfer Lists received from Walsall & N'cle United F. C.'s but no action taken. Players to watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Andrews (Durham City) " W. Laine do Callan (Eden Colliery) " J. McGill do Lancs. Combination match " L. Weller do Staff Players. Collection Agreed to give the St. Johns Ambulance permission to make a collection on our ground on Feby. 21st. Next Meeting On Tuesday next at Exchange Hotel at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman