COPY OF RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THE MEETING OF THE LEAGUE CLUBS, HELD AT THE HOLBORN RESTAURANT, LONDON, ON FRIDAY, 12TH DECEMBER 1930. (1) THAT with a view to insuring that all International Matches are representatives of the best players of each Country, this meeting is of opinion :- (a) That Matches in which Ireland and Wales are engaged should be played in mid-week before the end of November. (b) That the Match between England and Scotland be played upon a Saturday. (c) That the net gates of all International Matches be equally divided between the four National Associations. (d) That in the event of the four National Associations agreeing to these suggestions, Rule 27 of the Rules of the Football League should be amended so that all Clubs compos- ing the Football League may be enabled to release any of their players who may be selected to play in International Matches. IT WAS AGREED that the following resolutions should be added as follows, viz :- (2) THAT steps be taken to get Scotland to remove the ban on re-instated intermediate players signing for and English Club. (3) THAT all Clubs whose players be selected for International or other Representative and Interleague games be insured against loss through accident or injury to the players by the Association or body requisitioning such players. THE above Resolutions on being put to the Meeting were carried unanimously with a further Resolution that the opinion of this Meeting as expressed by such Resolutions should be conveyed to the League Clubs for confirmation or otherwise, and if confirmed should be forwarded to the Management Committee of the Football League who should thereupon be respectfully requested to confer with the Football Association to ascertain if the suggestions contained in the Resolutions acceptable to them and the other National Associations and if so at the Annual General Meeting to carry such suggestions into effect.