O'Donnell J. Chairman reported an enquiry from Blackpool F.C. re this player. The Board gave him powers to ask £2500 but to accept £2000. A Team Ground Secy. reported that he had obtained estimates for removing the fencing required owing to new site for hotel and stated that Messrs Davies & Sons thought same were too dear and that they could get same removed for a much less sum, but not to include any new material. The matter was left in the hands of the Chairman to deal with. Leyfield C. It was agreed to offer this player an engagement at £2 per week & to allow him to follow his employment. Players to Watch Mr. E. Green to watch Woolaghan (Workington) " J. Fare do Cunliffe (BlackburnRovers) " T. Fleetwood do Davies (Bradford) " J. Elliott do Leimberg (Wolves) " J. McGill do Heywood (Altrinsham) Secy. do Crompton (Wrexham) " W. Laine do Northern Players. Next Meeting On Monday next 22nd inst. at Exchange Hotel at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman