by the Shareholders of the Company. In the event of the terms being accepted by the Football Association the Chairman advised, and proposed that in order to carry the same into effect and to provide the machinery therefore, considerable alteration to the Article of Association would be necessary, and he suggested that this would also be an appropriate opportunity for making further alternation to the Company's Article of Association with a view to bringing them up to date. With that object the Chairman in his legal capacity, and in accordance with instructions, had prepared and now submitted for the consideration of the Board, a modernized set of Article of Association. These were considered seriatim and are set out in the copy attached hereto. Prior to their consideration the Chairman promised that he had provided for the consideration of the enlarged capital of the Company into shares of £5 each and the Article were drafted on that basis. The Articles were then considered and with the exception that the question of consolidation should be deferred for further consideration, the Articles as printed were approved, and it was resolved that these Articles, subject to the proviso before mentioned should be submitted to the Football Association for consideration together with the terms of the proposed suggested compromise. There was one further qualification, namely, the date mentioned in Article No 7. It was thought that a later date might be inserted and this was left over for final decision. Players to Watch The Chairman to watch A. Douglas (Henley Town) Mr E Green do Cooper (Halifax) Mr J Fare do Taylor (Gateshead)