filled at next meeting. O'Donnell It was decided to place this player on transfer. Schools F.A. Agreed to grant this Assocn. the use of G. Park on Monday 29th inst. Finance Committee Decided that Mr C Hayes be appointed to this Committee in place of Mr W J Sawyer resigned. Articles of Assocn. The Chairman submitted alternative valuations by Messrs Leitch & Partners of the property of the Coy. as follows At a break up price £27980.11.3 As a going concern £77997.4.7 and he expressed the view, and recommended, that the latter valuation be taken as one of the basis of the proposed compromise. He also read Messrs Theodore, Rogers, Bowler & Co's letter of the 8th inst. thereon and proposed that the terms upon which the company would be disposed to comply with the demands of the Football Assocn. set out in their regulation as to the formation of Companies should be that the Football Assocn. should grant to the Company the power to increase the capital of the Company by the issue of 22500 shares of £1 each, that the Company be entitled by resolution to capitalise £23,052.10.0 out of the undistributed profits and that the sum of £23,052.10.0 be distributed by way of bonus as follows:- (a) in making 2210 partly paid shares into fully paid shares £552.10.0 (b) in fully paid shares to the present shareholders of the Company £22,500 After discussion it was unanimously resolved that the Chairman as such be instructed to submit such terms to the Football Association for their consideration, the terms when arranged to be subject to confirmation