[Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday 2nd December 1930] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. A. Coffey. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 25th ult. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported Gate v Huddersfield Res £110.16.3 Tax £1. 8.11 Hull City FC Balce of Fee re Weldon £250. 0.0 Dividend on War Stock £62.10.0 Bank Balance £12255.11.8 Dr Cheque was signed for wages £250.0.0 Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Bradford 1-4, Huddersfield Res. 0-5 & Rhyl Res. 6-8 Dr & Trainers Report Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported Rigby, Bryan, Common & Williams unfit. Team Selections The following teams were selected v Oldham Ath. (h) 6 inst. Coggins, Lowe, Cresswell, Macpherson, Griffiths, Thomson, Critchley, Dunn, Dean, Johnson & Stein Res Towers v Bolton Wdrs. Res. (a) Sagar, Cook, Parker, Britton, Gee, McClure, Wilkinson, Martin, McCambridge, Webster, White Res Hart Director to Bolton Mr W. C. Gibbins Reports re Players Mr E Green reported that Whilst this outside Leddell (E. Fife) left was a good player & centred well, he was somewhat on small side & he preferred Cooper & Halifax. Taylor (Gateshead) Dr C. S. Baxter gave a very good report of this outside left.