League Management) Letter read from Sheffield Wed. FC stating Committee ) they had nominated their Vice Chairman to the vacancy caused by the death of Mr O. J. Dickinson and asking for our support, but it was decided to do nothing at present. Transfer of Shares The following transfers were approved:- Geo. E. Tomlinson to Robt. E. Hurlston 3 Shares Nos. 972-974 Herbert O. Evans to Wm. Jas. Sawyer 3 shares Nos. 1127 to 1129 M. L. Young to Roland Gaunt 11 shares Nos. 2384, 1359 to 1363 and 1797 to 1801. Articles of Assocn. Resolved that a scheme be formulated embracing (a) an increase of the capital of the Company (b) the distribution of such increased capital to the members of the Company as Bonus Shares and (c) alteration of the Articles of Association to comply with the requirements of the Football Association and also in any other respect which they may deem desirable, such scheme to be afterwards submitted to the Board for consideration and if and when approved after amendment or otherwise, the scheme to be submitted to the Football Association as a basis of compromise and that Mr W C Cuff, not withstanding that he is a Director of the Company, be instructed, in his legal capacity, to act in the matter and be paid and receive proper remuneration for all work done by him or his firm in connection therewith. The resolution was unanimously adopted, the Chairman abstaining from taking part in the voting. Income Tax Letter read from Messrs Theo Rogers Bowler & Co. re payment of Income Tax. Decided to send a copy of this to each Director and the matter to be decided at next meeting.