Hough (N. Brighton) Mr. J. Elliott gave a very good report of this player. Upton v Heswall Mr. J. McGill reported that there were no players in this match of any use to us. Co-option of Director Dr C S Baxter having withdrawn his proposal to co-opt Mr. D. Gordon, Mr. H. Banks moved that Mr Harry Corry be invited to fill the vacancy on the Board caused by the retirement, and for the unexpired term of office of Mr W J Sawyer. Mr A R Wade moved as an amendment that Mr Clarence Hayes be so invited. The Voting resulted as follows:- For the proposition 3 Votes " Amendment 5 " The Chairman thereupon declared the amendment carried. J. Roberts The Secy. reported he had interviewed this player who had stated he would be prepared to play for us, when his ankle had fully recovered from an injury. Income Tax Secy. stated he had agreed the figures for Assessment. It was decided to ask the Auditors opinion as to the payment of Tax for next year. Donations It was decided to grant the following:- £5.5.0 to Goodfellow Fund & £2.2.0 to Bootle Xmas Hot Pot Fund. Collections It was also agreed to grant the following collections. Decr 20th for Goodfellow Fund & Jany 17th for the Natl Institute for the Blind. Lancs FA Council Letter read from the Lancs F.A. stating that the voting for the candidates for election had resulted as follows:- Mr W H Cartwright 13 votes. Mr E Green 7 Votes.