Andrews & Halliday	Messrs A. Coffey, J. Sharp & Secy. gave good
(Sunderland)	reports of these players. It was agreed that
		Secy. proceed to Sunderland at week end &
		endeavour to secure these two players in exchange
		for Ritchie & Dunn.

Rowland (W. Derby Recs.)	Mr. J. Elliott gave a poor report of the
Barrett (St. Michaels) former & a good report of the latter.

O'Donnell (Connah's Quay)	Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of
		this full back.

Britton (Bristol R.)	Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a very good report
		of this right half back.

N. E. Players		Mr. W. Laines report on North eastern
		players was read.

Mason (Alloa)		Mr. J. Weir gave a moderate report of
		this half back.

Lancashire Playing)	An application from this Association
Fields)		for a donation was not entertained.

Ground Renovation	The Chairman & Secy. reported that they
		had met Mr. Brydon & stated what his ideas
		were with regard to the playing pitch.
		Agreed that his instructions be carried out.

Nominations for		It was decided to nominate the
League & C. L	retiring members to both these Committees.

Alteration to F.A.)	Circulars were read from the League
Rules)		& Mr. Cuff re representation of League on
		F.A. It was decided for the whole of
		the Management Committee for the time being
		to be elected to F.A. Council.
			It was also decided to propose the
		following alteration to Rule 10 of the F.A.
		Insert after the word Treasurer "the Members"
		"for the time being of the Management Comee.
		of the Football League."

James (Preston N.E.)	It was decided to make an offer of £500
		for transfer of this player.