O'Donnell, Britton, Gee, Bryan, Wilkinson, Martin White, Webster, Stein. Res. Robson. Directors to Bradford Messrs Banks & Gibbins and J. Fare Buxton, Wrexham Mr. E. Green gave a poor reported re this Back. Davis, Bradford Mr. E. Green was not impressed with this O.Right of Bradford, but stated that Griffith the Port Vale O.Right played well. Dix, Bristol Rovers Mr J. Sharp & Dr Baxter, gave a fair report re this Young forward, & considered that we ought to take the risk secure his services, decided to wait till after the next meeting. W.C.C. Chairman & other Directors had seen him, they also reported that Barnett, O.Right of Southend United had played well. Worrall J. Elliott gave a good report of this Young Bacup Outside Left. Robbins Mr J McGill gave a very good report of Paul Bros. F.C. this Young Full Back. Boult The Secretary & Mr. Kelly reported that this Whiston Centre Forward was nearly 24 years of age decided to get him to play a trial in the Central League Team, before offering him terms. W. Laines Report read, Secretary instructed to ask him Report to follow Cook, Left Back of Blyth Spartans. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of Shares was passed John, B. Warburton, 5 Shares Nos. 1168 to 1171 (inclusive) and 2434 to W. C. Cuff. L'pool Police Aided Clothing It was agreed to give the Sum of Association £5.5.0, to this Association. J. Fortune Mr. Banks reported that this Employee had left his work that day at noon, decided if he did not return Wednesday, morning to dispense with his services.