Dix Mr. E. Green, said that after seeing this Bristol Rovers player v Crystal Palace, he could not recommend him. Boult J. Elliott gave an excellent report Whiston re this Centre forward, also spoke well of J. Turner, Full Back. The Secretary was instructed to secure Boult's, services at 30/- per week. Cook Blyth Spartans Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of this full Back. Buxton Mr. J. McGill gave a fairly good report Wrexham re the Full Back. Gee The Secretary produced correspondence given the League Secretary pointing out that this player was registered by Stockport County on 28th Oct. 1928, & not the 9th Oct 1928 & was therefore not entitled to the increase of wages till the latter date, matter left with the Chairman to enquire into. Goodison Ave. Permission granted to Mr. Moody 16 Property Goodison Ave., to install Electric Light providing he paid the whole of the Cost. J. McClure A request by Tranmere Rover for this player transfer was declined. Collection Permission granted to the L'pool Child Welfare Association to take a Collection on the ground in December. Players on Transfer This player having been placed on Gibson the transfer list, no action. Bolton Wanderers