Journey to Nottingham It was decided to travel to this place on day of match. L'pool Stadium An application from Mr. J. Best for permission to carry an advt. board round ground on match days was not granted. Directors to Plymouth Messrs The Chairman, Vice Chairman & W. J. Sawyer. Donation Decided to grant a sum of £5.5.0 to the Boolte C. Club. R. D. Gillies On the application of this old member it was decided to let this old member have a Lady's Season Ticket at a cost of 7/6. Notices of Motion Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave notice to being forward the question of a Selection Committee. and Mr. A. Coffey gave notice to being forward question of Directors Expenses. Player to Watch Messrs J. Fare & H. Hart to watch Davis (Bradford) Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel on Tuesday next at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct E. Green Chairman