J. O'Donnell It was decided to suspend this player for a further period of 14 days. Golf The Board agreed to pay the Expenses of the golf tournament held by the players on Tuesday last. In future they would be prepared to pay the green fees of players desiring to play golf on non training days. L'pool Daily Post It was agreed to allow this paper to carry an advertising board round the ground on match days. L'pool Express Secy. reported that this paper had published an article re O'Donnell not withstanding his objection to their doing so. Decided for the present not to allow them to exhibit a Board round the ground on match days or to give them any advts. Lord Wavertea Cup Agreed to play this match at Goodison Park Final } on Monday 8th Sept. at 6.15. Transfer of Shares The following transfers of Shares were approved Exors. of W. Fairclough to W. C. Cuff 3 Shares Nos. 1114-1116. do do 2 Shares Nos. 2265 & 1117. Arthur Price do 4 do Nos. 2346 & 225-227 W. C. Cuff to R. M. Dulton 3 do Nos. 33-35 do to A. O. Roberts 3 do Nos. 1995-1997 Exors. of Hy. Filding to C. M. Dolby 3 do Nos. 578-580. Orwell Wed. F. C. Agreed to accept offer from this Club of £15 for use of our A Team ground during the following season use Weds. J. Garvey Letter read from this player. Decided not to offer him an engagement as a pro. Dix (Bristol Rovers) Letter read from Club re this player. Decided that Chairman have a further interview with the player & endeavour to secure his signature. Arrangements v} It was decided to travel after match Cardiff City} on the 6th & stay at Penarth returning on the following Tuesday morning.