if we could pay him his back money. Weldon It was agreed to apply to the League for permission to pay this player £120 as accrued share of benefit. Kennedy Decided not to pay this player any accrued share of benefit. Lewis Decided to grant this player a free transfer. O'Donnell W. Agreed to reduced these players fees to £100 Davies A. & Kelly J. £500 & £500 respectively. Dix (Bristol R.) Letter read from Club re this player. Decided to remind their Secy. of our agreement. Williams & Critchley Secy. reported that this former player was not progressing satisfactory. Decided to have him re examined by Mr. McMurray. Doctor's report re latter read. A Team Ground Letter read from Corporation asking if we would be prepared to give up immediate possession of 750 sqt. of land required for hotel site. Decided to do so on condition the fencing was taken down & re erected to our satisfaction. T. Johnson Letter read from this player asking to be allowed to reside in M/c. Decided to agree to this at the Board's discretion, but he to pay for his own railway fares. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir's reports on Scottish intermediate & Juvenile players were read. Scotts It was decided to dispense with the services of Messrs J. Weir & J. Bell, but to re engage W. Laine & J. McGill on same terms as last Season. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved Chas. C. Morton to Thos. Percy 4 Shares No. 980 & 1777 to 1779. Flags It was agreed to have the two flags on Goodison Rd. Stand renewed.