[Meeting of Directors held at North Western Hotel, Liverpool on Tuesday 24th June 1930] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on 10th inst. and Annual General Meeting on the 13th inst. were read & confirmed. Election of Chairman Prior to proceeding with this business Mr. A. Coffey proposed & Mr. H. Banks seconded that the Chairman be heartily congratulated on his conduct during the past strenuous season and also on his handling of the Annual General Meeting. On the proposition of Mr. A. Coffey seconded by Dr. C. S. Baxter, Mr. W. C. Cuff was unanimously re elected Chairman and on the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Mr. E. Green was unanimously re selected Vice Chairman. Both gentlemen returned thanks for the honour. Sub Committees The Sub Committees as Constituted last Season were re elected. Finance The Bank Balance was reported to be £13543.16.1 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following. Dividend a/c Dividend £113.4.4 J. Sharp Motor Mower £64.19.6 L'pool Corpn. Half Rates £908.13.10 N. Western Hotel Refreshments & Teas £11.0.0 T. H. McIntosh Salary £54.3.4. J. Dunn Secy. reported that this player had been re engaged at £6 per week with £2 per week extra when playing in 1st Team. Chairman was empowered to enquire from the League Management Committee