		[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
		held at the Central Hall Renshaw St. 
		Liverpool on Friday 13th June 1930]

		Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair) E. Green, A. Coffey,
		H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer, J. Sharp,
		A. R. Wade, Dr. C. S. Baxter (Directors) and 236

			The Secretary read the notice convening
		the Meeting.

Press			It was agreed that the Representatives
		of the Press be admitted.

Accounts &		On the motion of the Chairman at was
Balance Sheet}	decided that the Statement of a/cs Balance
		Sheet be taken as read.

Auditors Report		The Secretary read the Auditors Report.

Directors Report	The Directors Report attached to the Balance
		Sheet (a copy of which is attached herewith)
		having been read, the Chairman pointed
		out that our transfer fees were always paid out
		of Revenue a/c. Some clubs had a Premiums a/c
		but our policy was to pay as we went along
		and not to include them as an assett on
		the Balance Sheet.

			He much regretted our descent into the
		2nd Division of the Football League, and attributed
		it in no small measure to the inexplicable
		loss of form of some of our prominent players
		and by bad luck in many of our matches.
		Injuries had been abnormal & no fewer than
		7 operations had been performed on our 1st team
		players. The team had made a wonderful
		recovery in the last few matches & our destination
		was not decided until after the last Kick at Goodison Park.