						The Everton Football Club Company Ltd.

						   For Year ending 3rd May, 1930.

	      1929		EXPENDITURE. 		May 3rd, 1930.	      1929	     INCOME. 		   May 3rd, 1930	
	   £	s.  d.					   £	s.   d.	   £	s. d.					£   s. d.
	12872  10   0	To Players’ Wages & Transfer			44802  11  0 By Gate Receipts... ... ... ... 45450  3  7
			    Fees, &c.   ... ... ... ... 35574   0    0	 6320  16 10 ,,	Proceeds of Matches played
	 1170  10   0	,, Players’ Benefits... ... ...  1225   0    0			 away, &c.   ... ... ... ...  6006  8  6
	  341   1   9	,, Medical Fees, Players’ Ac-			-------------		                    -------------
			    cident Insurance, &c.   ...   589   5    1	51123   7 10 				     51456 12  1
	 5522   8   6	,, Gate Division to Visitors...  5496   3    8    190   6  1 ,,	Percentage of International
	 3385  10   8	,, Travelling Expenses ...  ...  3395   0   11			 Match  ...  ...  ... ... ...   59  7  0
	  382  10   6	,, Advertising, Billposting,			  830   2  6 ,,	Season Tickets..  ... ... ...  612  2  6
			    Printing and Stationery ...   321   0    1	  272   8  0 ,,	Advertising Contractors for
	 1437  18   1	,, Gate Expenses, Checkers, &c.  1360   4   10			 Programmes, Hoardings
	  950  19   1	,, Training Expenses and					 and Refreshments ... ... ...  291  2  0
			    Trainers’ Wages... ...  ...  1249   2   10	    1  15  0 ,,	Share Transfer Fees.. ... ...    1  5  0
	 2720  14  11	,, Ground Expenses and				   92  10  0 ,,	Rents from Sub-tenants... ...  111  5  0
			    Groundsmen’s Wages ...  ...  2264   6    3						    --------------
	  146   5   4	,, National Health and Un-   								    £52531 13  7
			    employment Insurance  ...     155   1    1					
	 2872  11   3	,, Rent, Rates, Taxes, Light-				     ,,	Balance to Profit and Loss
			    ing, Water, Telephone,					 Account... ... ... ... ... ..12560 1  6
			    Insurance, &c.   ...    ...  3982  10    4					
	 6920  10  10	,, Entertainment Tax ...    ...  7059   0    4					
	 1057  19   9	,, Office Expenses, Secretary’s					
			    Salary, Postages, &c.   ...  1067  12    5					
	  295  18   1	,, Bank Interest & Commission     290  11   11					
	  332  11  10	,, Clothing, Material & Stores	  340  14    1				
	 1218   3   0	,, League Percentages, Sub-					
			    scriptions, Contributions,					
			    &c. ... ... ... ... ... ...   646   1    6					
	   69   7  11	,, Law Costs and Accountancy					
			    Charges... ... ... ... ...     75  19    9    					
	 1406   6   7	,, Cost of Jubilee and League					
			    Championship Celebration					
			    including Historical Sou-					
			    venir... ...  ... ...  ...
	--------------					----------------
	£43103 18   1				        £65091  15   1
	  9406 11   4   ,,Balance to Profit and Loss 
			  Account... ... ...  ... ..
	--------------					---------------- ------------					---------------   	
	£52510  9   5 					£65091  15   1	  £52510 9 5					  £65091 15 1
	--------------					---------------- ------------					---------------

							For Year ending 3rd May, 1930.

		1929				     May 3rd, 1930.		1929				    May 3rd, 1930.
	   £	s.  d.					 £    s. d.	    £	 s. d.					£     s. d.	
	  116  17   0   To Dividend declared 28th			  49647  7  7 By Surplus at May 4th, 1929
			May, 1929 at 7½ per cent.					 as per Certified Accounts ... 56569  0  3
			per annum, less Income
			Tax ... ... ... ... ... ...     116  17  0
									    234 12 11 By Income from Gwladys-street
	 3181  16   5	To Depreciation now written					   Property ... ... ... ... ..   355  6  5
			    off Stands, &c., 10% ...   2863  13  0	    448 17  4 ,, Income from Goodison
			,, Amount of Expenditure in					  avenue ,&c., Property  ... ..	 544  5  8
			    excess of Income ... ...  12560   1  6
	56567	0   3   ,, Balance carried forward..  42056   5  4
										      ,, Interest from Investments—
									    125  0  0 ,, War Loan ... ... ... ... ... .  125  0  0
									      3	 4  6 ,, Consolidation Loan   ... ... .    3  4  6
									   9406 11  4 ,, Amount of Income in excess 		
											 of Expenditure... ... ... ....

	--------------				     --------------	--------------					------------
	£59865 13  8				     £57596  16 10	 £59865 13  8				       £57596 16  10
	--------------				     -------------	--------------					------------