			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Goodison Park, Liverpool on
			Tuesday 10th June 1930]

		Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			except Dr. C. S. Baxter.

Minutes			The Minutes of Meeting held on the 13th
		& 23rd May were read & confirmed.

Finance			The Bank Balance was reported to be
		£11036.10.9 Dr.
			Cheques were signed for the following :-
		Bristol Rovers F. C. Transfer Fee re Button	£1275.0.0.
		Southport F. C.		  do	  re Lowe	£1000.0.0.

Annual Meeting		The Secy. reported the receipt of 328 proxies
		in favor of the retiring Directors and 83 on behalf
		of Messrs Lake & Wright.
			It was agreed that Mr. W. J. Sawyer second
		the resolution adopting the Balance Sheet & a/cs
		and that Mr. E. Green would propose & Mr. A. Coffey
		second the resolution proposing the payment of

Motor Mower		The action of the Ground Committee in
		ordering a Dennis Motor Mower 24" at a cost
		of £72 less 10% was confirmed, after a demonstration.

Dr. Report		The report of Dr. T. P. McMurray re condition
		of Williams & Critchley was read.

Articles of Assocn.	The Chairman reported his interview with
		Sir Chas. Clegg who suggested that the question
		might be mentioned at the Annual Meeting.

F. L. F. A. & C. L.}	They Secy. gave a report of the business transacted
Meetings}	the Annual Meetings of these Organizations held
		in London.

Transfer of Players	The transfers of the following players were