		suffering from a bruised Knee.

Reports re Players	The Secy. reported that these players had not
Hunt & Cousins	done as well as when he saw them last. The prices
(Chesterfield)	for transfer were £1500 for Hunt & £1000 for Cousins.
		Decided not to negotiate for their services at these
		figures as they were hardly ripe for 2nd Divn. football.

Lowe (Southport)	Secy. reported that the price required for this
		player was £2500. The Chairman had interviewed
		the Southport officials and had offered £500. It
		was agreed to extend our offer up to £750.

Scottish Players	Mr. J. Weir's report on Scottish players was read.

Lancashire F. A.	Letter read from M/c City F. C. asking support
		for Mr. A. Alexander for Divn. 7 of the Council.

McFadyen (Motherwell)	Letters were read from the Motherwell F. C.
		offering this player at £3000. Decided not to negotiate.

Weldon, Dunn}		The transfer fees of these players were
& Davies}	reduced as follows : Weldon to £1500, Dunn to £1600
		& Davies to £1000. Middlesbro. F. C. having made an
		offer for the former, it was decided to ask them
		for £1000 down & £500 extra if he played in 14 League

French			Secy. reported that W. Ham United F. C. were likely
		to negotiate for this player. Decided, that if nothing
		was done, to give player a free transfer.

Virr			Secy. reported that he had given Notice
		under the terms of the Policy, to the Football League
		Mutual Insurance Federation of the permanent injury
		to this player, who had not yet however sent in a

Parker & Cunliffe	The Chairman was empowered to offer an
(Adlington)	engagement to these two players at £1 per week.

Gee (Stockport)		It was decided to make an offer of £1500
		for this players transfer with powers to go to £2500.