		Decided not to entertain the suggestion, but to
		have a direct deal with Weldon.

T. A. White		Secy. reported that this player had not yet
		accepted the terms offered and that he had reported
		him to the F. A. Decided not to increase offer
		already made.

Randall (Bradford City)	This player having been put on transfer at
		his own request, it was decided to ask what
		fee was required.

Re-sowing Ground	It was decided to accept the offer of Messrs
		Middlehursts Ld. to supply the following materials.
		30 Bushels of Seed at £2 per bus, 20 tons of loam soil
		at 10/- per ton & 1 Ton of Lime at £6 per ton.

L'pool County F. A.	Agreed to nominate the following for seats
Council		on this Council viz. Mr. W. C. Gibbins as V. P. & Secy. as
		Member of Committee.

Transfer of Shares	The following transfer was approved :-
		Hilda May Clayton to Wm. R. Clayton 3 shares Nos. 1450-1452.

H. Ritchie		The question of the position of this player was
		again discussed, and it was decided to adhere to
		decision of last meeting re Fee & to ask that any
		offers received be referred to us.

Attwood			The Chairman was empowered to accept a
		reduced fee for this player's transfer.

Players to Watch 	Secy. to watch Hunt & Cousins (Chesterfield)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6.15 pm.

White J. & French	Decided to accept a fee of £350 for these 2 players.
					Confirmed as Correct
The Team selected v L'pool in L'pool Cup	W. C. Cuff
on May 10 was as follows :-			Chairman.
Sagar, Common, J. O'Donnell, Robson,
McClure, Bryan, Critchley, White,
Dean, Martin & Stein.