T. H. McIntosh Wages £54.0.0. L'pool County F. A. Net Gate £8.18.9. Reports re Players Mr. E. Green reported that (1) this player was distinctly Lowe (Southport) right footed, & could not reccommend him as a left back. (2) at present inexperienced. (3) Very promising. If played right back & given full responsibility, might develop into a good steady back, cool, good power of recovery - Was nursed too much by his colleagues. Gee (Stockport) Mr. H. Hart gave a very good report of Taylor (N. Brighton) the former, but a poor report of the latter. Taylor (Bristol City) The Secy. & Mr. J. Fare reported that they did not consider this half back any better than our own. Britton & Shaw Mr. W. J. Wallace gave good reports of these (Bristol Rovers) players and suggested they would be useful if obtainable at small fees. Cunliffe & Parker Mr. T. Fleetwood gave good reports of these (Adlington) two players & stated they were very promising indeed. It was left in hands of the Chairman to endeavour to fix up with them as pros. Holmes (Prescot) Mr. J. Elliott gave another good report of this C. H. Kelso (Dumbarton) Mr. J. Bell reported that this player had improved & was now very promising. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir gave good reports of Thompson & Wilson (Celtic), Crapnell (Airdrie) & a fair one of Napier (Celtic). Nominations for Secy. reported that Mr. W. R. Williams had Directorate withdrawn his name. Notice was received from Messrs H. D. Jones & John H. Petty of their intention to move a vote of No Confidence in the present Board, at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. Weldon & Hall Secy. reported that M'bro. F. C. had made a (M'bro.) suggestion of an exchange of players in this case