Lythgoe Memorial It was decided to grant a donation Cup of £5.5.0 towards the purchase of this trophy. Players on Transfer List of players on transfer by L'pool F.C. read but no action taken. Use of Ground The letting of the ground for matches during the remainder of the Season was left in hands of Messrs H. Banks & Secy. Playing Pitch It was agreed to ask Messrs Kent & Brydon to give a report as to the proposed work to be done to the Ground. Donation Agreed to give £2.2.0 to Turnstile Attendants Re-union. German Tour Letter read from Verein fur Rasenspiele club stating that they had now arranged a visit from N'cle. United. Players to Watch Mr. J. Fare to watch Watson (Hamilton) & McNab (Dundee) " J. Elliott do Randall & Barkass (Bradford C.) " J. McGill do Larkin (Derby Crescent) " W. Laine do Dunn (S. Shields) & Burgess (Stockport) Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday 23rd inst. at 6 pm. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman. Transfer List Fees for Players on transfer were fixed as follows :- Forshaw £1000, Dunn £4000, Jones £500. The following were left in hands of Chairman & Secy. to fix viz. Hardy, Meston, Rooney & the following free transfer viz. Maher, Dixon & Curr. Chairman