& McCambridge, it was decided to offer engagements to the following players viz. Bryan £4 per week all round, Common £5 & £6 + £1 in 1st team, Chedgzoy £2.10.0 all round, Cresswell £6 & £8, Critchley £6 & £8, Dean (wage to be fixed), Griffiths £6 & £8, Hart £6 all round, J. McClure £5 all round, Macpherson £6 & £8, Martin £6 & £8, J. O'Donnell £6 & £8, Rigby £6 & £8, Robson £6 all round + £1 in 1st team, Sagar £5 & £6, Stein £5 & £7 + £1 in 1st team, Towers £4 & £5, Webster £3 all round, Wilkinson £6 & £7, T. White £6 & £7 + £1 in 1st team, but to reside in L'pool, Williams £6 & £8. The question of re-signing Kennedy, Hewitt or French to be deferred. Transfer List The following players to be placed in Transfer List. Davies £2000, Attwood £750, W. O'Donnell £200, Dunn £4000, Kelly £1500, Lewis £250, Virr (Free), Weldon £2500, J. White £350. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Spencer (Stoke City) " J. Fare do Davies & Lloyd (Bradford) " T. Kelly do Wallbanks (Barnsley) " H. Hart do Fielding & Gee (Stockport) & Hunt & Cousins (Chesterfield) " T. Fleetwood do Lowe (Southport) " J. Elliott do Holmes (Prescot Cables) " J. Bell & J. Weir do Wilson (Hamilton). Next Meeting At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday next at 6:15 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman