v Bury Res. (a) 12th inst. Coggins, Common, W. O'Donnell, Robson, Hart, Towers, or Bryan, Wilkinson, Dunn, Hewitt, McCambridge & Stein. Res. Bryan or Weldon. v Ballymena (a) 15th inst. Coggins, Common, Kennedy, Robson, Hart, Bryan, Wilkinson, Dunn, Hewitt, McCambridge & Stein. Director to Bury Mr. W. C. Gibbins. do to Ballymena " A. Coffey. Reports re Players Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of this outside Fielding (Stockport) left and also of Brown (inside right) and Gee (C. H.) Davies (Bradford) Mr. J. Fare gave a good report of this O. R. Rochdale Players " J. Elliott reported that Tippet was not a success, but that Lewis (I. L) was very clever, had good ball control & a good shot and that Oliver (L. B) & Lynch (G. K.) were also good. Snape (Automatic U.) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a poor report of this half back. Gamble (Brentford) Mr. D. Sawyer reported that on his display of Sat. last he could not recommend this player but suggested he be seen again. Scottish Players Mr. J. Weir reported that he could not recommend Mackrell (F. B.) & McGregor(O. R.) of Falkirk but that Taylor (L. B.) Dundee United was the best of four. Players to be Signed on It was agreed to defer this matter until after Easter. Use of Ground The use of G. Park was granted for the following matches. Apl. 23 L'pool Wed. League Cup Final " 28 Houston Cup Final May 5 L'pool Amateur Cup Final International Matches Mr. J. Sharp gave a very full report of the business conducted at the meeting of