		Messrs E. Green & A. Coffey & Secy. attend the match.

Arrangements v		It was decided to stay overnight on
Leicester City	the 19th at Nottingham & proceed to Leicester on
		day of match.

J. Weir			Mr. A. Coffey brought forward his motion
		to terminate this officials engagement, but
		it was decided that the matter be discussed
		at next meeting.

Reports re Players	Messrs A. Coffey & Secy. reported that they
Richardson & Robson considered the former too small, but that
	(Blyth)	they had secured the transfer of the latter
		for £150. Players terms £5 per week until
		3rd May 1930 with £5 Signing on bonus
		and this engagement was confirmed.

Whitelaw (Doncaster)	The Chairman reported that he did
		not consider this half back of the required
		standard, but reported favorably of Wellsby (Wigan)

Fulham v Charlton	Mr. E. Green gave good reports of
		Barrett (Fulham) & the 2 Charlton fullbacks.

Watson (Hamilton)	Mr. J. Fare gave a poor report of
		this half back.

Parry & Bain		Mr. J. Elliott gave a poor report of
(Stalybridge)	the former. The latter did not play.

Brown & Shaw		Mr. J. Sharp gave a poor report of the
  (Wolves)	former, and an excellent one of the latter.

Imrie (St. Johnstone)	Mr. J. Weir gave a poor report of this

Pritchard (W. Derby U.)	Mr. J. McGill gave good reports of
Roberts (Bromboro.) these two players.

Dunn (S. Shields)	Mr. W. Laine gave good reports of
Oakley & Whelan (S'land) these full backs.

Jubilee Banquet		The arrangements & list of guests
		to be invited as submitted by the Sub Committee
		were approved.