(2) C. (3) RESOLVED that The League Management ^ be asked to take up with the Football Association the imposition by The Association of the costs of the enquiry into reports on players on the Clubs, and to obtain from The Football Association a return to the Club or Clubs of any moneys already paid in respect of an enquiry or enquiries previously held. Passed unanimously. (4) THAT the League Management Committee be requested to prepare and submit to the next Annual General Meeting of the League, a scheme embodying such alterations of Rules (League & Football Association), as may be necessary to give representation to the Clubs forming the Third Division (North and South), with voting power at all General Meetings of the Football League, on similar lines to those decided on at the last Annual Meeting. Passed unanimously. (5) THAT this Meeting protest against the divulging to the Press of confidential information circulated between League Clubs concerning players, and request the Management Committee to take the strongest measures possible to suppress the practice, and to deal suitably with offenders, and every League Club present pledge themselves not to divulge confidential matters of this nature. Passed unanimously. (6) THAT Mr. Sutcliffe be empowered to make all fixtures in future, each Club to notify him of the Holiday and special dates they require, and in the event of clashing, the advantage to be given in alternative seasons. Passed unanimously.