Director to Leicester	The Chairman.

Special Training	The action of the Sub Committee in deciding
		to take the players selected v Leicester, to stay
		at Buxton until morning of match was confirmed.
		Secy. to make necessary arrangements.

England v Scotland	It was agreed that Mr. A. Coffey also
		attend this match.

Reports re Players	The Chairman & Secy. reported that in their
Aberdeen v Dundee U. opinion Yorston (Aberdeen) would not be a success
		in English Football, Love (Aberdeen) whilst fairly
		clever was apparently not quite sound, and
		not quite good enough. Taylor (Dundee) gave
		no glimpse of being a good player. Messrs J.
		Weir & J. Bell's reports were also read.

Davies (Bradford)	Mr. E. Green reported that this payer was
		badly fed, possibly due to the conditions, and
		never got a chance to show his real ability.
		He was short, but trimly built.

Goldsmith & Harling	Secy. reported that these two players gave
(Hull City)	quite a creditable display v Arsenal in F.A. Cup
		& were certainly worth following up.

Mound (Shrewsbury)	He also reported that this C. F. was not
		up to standard required.

Fryer (Helsby)		Mr. T. Fleetwood reported that this player had
		again played a very good game. He was 18 5/12yrs.
		5'-9" & 11st.

Catteral, Ralph		Mr. J. Elliott reported that the first named
& Parker (Adlington) had played very poorly & was very small, the
		second was also too small, but that the latter
		who was not 19 & nearly 12st was very promising.

Lewis & Tippett		Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of these
(Rochdale)	two forwards.

Workington Players	Mr. W. Laine reported that Gardner (L. B.),
		Woolaghan (L. H.) & Hagan & Carruthers (O. R. & I. R.).