Reports re Players It was resolved that a detailed report concerning every football player watched on behalf of the Company be recorded in a book specially kept for that purpose & that such entries be kept written up to date and that such book be produced for reference at each meeting of the Directors and of any Committee thereof. H. Ritchie Letter read from this player re his position. Decided that we cannot tell him until we get some word from Dundee F.C. re their intentions. Use of Ground Agreed to grant the use of Goodison Park for the following matches on dates to be fixed by Secy. Melly Cup Final, & Catholic Schools Cup Final. League of Welldoers This League was granted permission to make a collection on the ground on Apl. 12th. Dunn Letter read from Ayr United that they could not pay fee asked, Secy. instructed to ask them to make an offer. Match v Ballymena Decided to offer to play this match on Monday Apl. 7th. Donation Decided to give £2.2.0 to Frank Brettell Testimonial Fund. Glentoran F.C. Letter read from this Club asking if we would play them a match, not entertained. Players to Watch Messrs Chairman & Secy. to watch Love & Yorston (Aberdeen) & Taylor (Dundee United), Messrs J. Bell & J. Weir also to go. T. Fleetwood to watch Fryer (Helsby) Mr. E. Green do Davies (Bradford) Mr. H. Ford do Gamble (Brentford) Next Meeting At Exchange Hotel Tuesday next 1st. Apl. at 6.15 Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman