Reports re Players Mr. E. Green gave a favorable report of this Lynn (Coleraine) player and recommended to be seen again. Starsmore (Coventry) Mr. J. Elliott reported that this player was not good enough for us. Gamble (Brentford) Mr. T. Kelly reported that this was a very promising player. He also spoke favorably of Shirlaw (O.R.) of same team. Sliman (Bristol C.) Secy. gave a moderate report of the former Davies (Bradford) but a very good one of the latter. Nicholson (St. Johnstone) Messrs J. Bell & J. Weir gave favorable reports of this player. N. E. Player Mr. W. Laine's reports on Northern League players was read. Lavin & Bowen Mr. McGill gave a good report of these two (Blue Circle FC) players, but Secy. reported they had signed on for Tranmere Rovers. Thomson (Dundee) The engagements of these players as follows & Coggins (Bristol) were confirmed. Thomson £6 & 8 for this season & next with £10 Signing on Fee Coggins £6 & 7 & £1 extra when in 1st Team do. League Match Secy. reported that we had been offered v Huddersfield either Wed. Apl. 2nd or Monday Apl. 18th & it was decided to accept same. C. L. Match v L'pool Secys action in arranging for this postponed match to be played on Apl. 9th was confirmed. L'pool Senior Cup It was agreed to offer to play this Final match on Wed. Apl. 30th. Kiosk Stopgate Lane Secy. reported that Mr. T. H. Mitchell had agreed to pay a rental of £5 per annum for site of Kiosk. Bovril Ld. Letters read from this firm stating that they had captured a man named Geo Foldes for pirating chocolate on the ground and asking for him to be prosecuted. It was decided to take