O'Dowd (Blackburn) Mr. J. Fare reported that he was not impressed with this players display on Sat. last. Mr. J. Sharp reported that he had made the offer as decided at last meeting. Gregory (Doncaster) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a good report of this C.H.B. Eaton (Barnsley) Mr. W. J. Sawyer gave a poor report of this player. Ridding (Tranmere) Mr. J. Elliott gave a fairly good report of this C.F. Secy. reported that the Club had not made up their minds whether they would part with him, but would let as know as early as possible. McAllister (St. Johnstone) Mr. J. Bell gave a fair report of this player, and a good one of Nicholson (O.R). Busby (M/c City) Secy. stated that the Club were not prepared to part with this player. McMillan (Hearts) Mr. J. Weir gave a good report of this inside forward. Lavin (St. Edwards O.B) Mr. J. McGill gave a good report of this fullback. Holliday (Cockfield) Mr. W. Laine gave another good report of this C.F. & stated he would come down and play a trial on Sat. Next. Troup The Chairman reported that after our meeting on the 28th ult., negotiations were carried out with the Dundee F.C. on the following terms. They gave us the option of Thomson (L.H.) at a fee of £3650 plus the transfer of Troup free. If we did not care to accept the option on Thomson, they were to pay us £200 for Troup. Action confirmed. Coggins & Johnson Mr. W. J. Wallace gave a good report of these (Bristol City) two players. Bovril Ld. Letter read from this firm re "Pirates" - and asking us to take police proceedings, but it was decided not to do so.