		& £8 when playing in 1st Team, Critchley £6 & £8,
		Dean £6 & £8, Weldon £6 & £8, Troup £6 & £8, White £6
		& £7 & 1 extra in 1st team, Stein £5 & £7, French £3 all round,
		Easton £6 & £6 & 1 extra in 1st team, Martin £6 & £8.
		The following to be placed on Transfer List
		Hardy, Maher, Rooney, Curr, Dixon, Forshaw,
		Dunn (at own request), Jones.
		To be reviewed again Meston.
		To be loaned to N. Brighton Roscoe.
		Attwood was already signed for next Season.

Thorne Colliery F.C.	Letter read from this club asking for
		donation to their funds. Same was considered
		somewhat premature & would be dealt with later.

Players to Watch	Messrs The Chairman & Secy. to watch Richardson
		& Robson (Blyth).
			Mr. J. Fare to watch Watson (Hamilton Acas.)
			" J. Elliott	do	Parry & Bain (Stalybridge)
			" J. McGill	do	Pritchard (W. Derby Union)
					& Roberts (Bromboro Pool)
			Secy. to arrange re J. Weir & W. Laine

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next at 6 pm.

					Confirmed as correct
						W. C. Cuff