Gee (Stockport) Messrs A. Coffey & H. Banks gave a poor report of this half back. Catterall (Adlington) Mr. J. McGill gave a similar report of this O.L. Busby (M/C City) T. Fleetwood gave a favorable report of this forward. Robertson (Dundee) Mr. J. Weir gave a moderate report of this forward. Kelso (Dumbarton) Mr. J. Bell gave a poor report of this full back. Halliday (Cockfield) Messrs W. Laine & J. Elliott gave a good report of this player. L'pool v W. Riding) Mr. H. Banks & Secy. reported that they did N. Brighton v Connahs Quay) not consider any of the players in these matches up to standard required by us. Ritchie Chairman & Secy. reported that this player had been transferred to Dundee F.C. on following terms. If re-signed the Dundee club to pay us a fee of £1000, if not, to re-transfer him to us. This arrangement was confirmed. Hednesford Town F.C. An application from this club for financial assistance was not entertained. Match v Aston Secy. reported that this match had Villa been fixed up provisionally for March 5th. Transfer of Shares The following transfers of shares was passed. B. Clayton to Kensington Loan Discount & Investment Co. 3 shares Nos. 133, 441 & 806 Kensington Loan & Discount & Investment Co. to William Taylor above 3 shares Southport F.C. Letter read from this Club asking for T. White to play in benefit match. Allowed to stand over for the present. Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer were read but no action taken. Team Selections The following teams were submitted by the Sub Committee.