v M/C (a) 5th inst. Davies, William, J. O'Donnell, Robson, Griffiths, T. White, Critchley, Martin, Dean, Rigby & Stein Res. Hart Directors to M/C Messrs The Chairman A. Coffey, J. Sharp, H. Banks & W. J. Sawyer. do to Arsenal The Chairman, E. Green, A. Coffey, W. J. Sawyer, W. C. Gibbins & Dr. C. S. Baxter, J. Sharp. Reports re players Messrs E. Green & J. Bell gave poor reports of Smith (Clyde) this player's display v Motherwell but reported splendidly of Stevenson and Ferrier (Motherwell). Alexander (Hull C.) Mr. J. Fare stated that he did not consider this player strong enough for League football. Bullock (Chesterfield) Mr. T. Fleetwood reported that this player was too slow for us. Stalybridge Player Mr. J. McGill reported favorably of Brown (left back), Bell (L.H.) & Slater (O.R.). Towers (Cockfield) Mr. W. Laine gave a promising report of this player. Brain (Arsenal) Mr. C. Stewart reported that in his opinion this player would not suit us & that he was 30 yrs. of age. M/C v Swindon Secy. reported that he had attended these M'bro. v Charlton Ath. replays. There were no outstanding players in the Swindon team, but Smith (R.B.) & Ranker had played well for Charlton. Nelson (Preston) Secy. reported that Whilst this player had given a fair exhibition v Wolves Res. he did not consider he was up to standard required by us. Williams (Garston) Mr. J. Elliott gave a poor report of this C.F. League Match Secy. reported that owing to Aston Villa being Aston Villa engaged in F.A. Cup on 15th inst. our league match had been postponed. He had endeavoured to arrange with Sheffield United F.C. to bring forward match from Apl. 28th, but they could not agree. Decided