Nelson (Preston)	Letter read asking as to make offer for this
		player. Decided not to do so but to ask them to fix 
		a price.

McCoy Testimonial	Application for a donation to this fund was
		not entertained. as being outside Scope of our jurisdiction

Players on Transfer	Lists read from Watford Wolverhampton
		& Cowdenbeath but no action taken.

Player for Transfer	It was decided to offer to transfer Kelly,
		Ritchie & Weldon.

A. French		An application from Stalybridge Celtic for
		loan of this player was not entertained.

Players to Watch	Mr. E. Green	to watch	O'Dowd (Blackburn Rovers)
			"   J. Fare	 do		Alexander (Hull City)
			"   T. Fleetwood do		Bullock (Chesterfield)
			"   J. Elliott	 do		Williams (Garston)
			"   J. McGill	 do		Stalybridge Players
			"   J. Bell	 do		Smith (Clyde)
			"   J. Weir	 do		Kelgvier (Forbes)
			"   C. Stewart	 do		Brain (Arsenal)
			Messrs W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade do Gee (Stockport)

Next Meeting		At Exchange Station Hotel on Tuesday
		next 4th Feby. at 6 pm.

							Confirmed as Correct
								W. C. Cuff